Thursday, March 13, 2008

Column Favorites (from Charlotte Parent)


I have this tiny gremlin,

That is loose in our big house.

This gremlin is so mischievous,

I would rather have a mouse!

He moves all of my things around,

Each and every day!

I can never quite figure out,

Why things aren’t where they should stay!

This little gremlin sneaks around,

When I forget to look.

He plays with all of Ryan’s toys,

And tears pages from his books.

Every morning I look around,

For my brush to do my hair.

It has always gone missing,

And I never know just where.

He likes to drop things in my tub,

Just why, I do not know.

He likes to hide things in toilets,

So I have to look before I go.

He’ll empty out a trash can,

So fast it will spin my head.

He pulls all the sheets and pillows,

From any given bed.

He takes out all the pots and pans,

And spoons out of the drawer.

I find socks, shoes and earrings,

All over my bedroom floor.

His favorite thing is to throw food

Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You’d think with that kind of diet,

His tummy would be much thinner.

Don’t let him find a marker,

He’s sure to write on a wall.

When he opens the refrigerator,

Fruit is scattered, bottles fall.

You’d think that I could catch him

Change his ornery ways.

But I’m too busy cleaning up,

The messes where he plays.

But every night he goes away,

And right after his bath,

He smells so sweet and yummy,

I forget my former wrath.

He’ll snuggle in and hug me,

Give me his precious smile.

Somehow I forget it all,

Even if for just a while.

But in the morning, it begins anew,

And there’s a mess by gosh!

Some people might call him a gremlin.

We just call him Josh.

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